Banana Palm close up with fruit.
Banana Palm in nursery

Banana Palm

Musaceae spp.

  • One of the most popular palm trees in the world
  • Loves growing in large containers
  • Can be grown indoors, outdoors, or in partial shade
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
4 - 11
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Grow your own bananas! One of the most popular fruits in the world can be grown in your own backyard! The Banana Palm is a fast-growing palm tree with large green leaves that can measure up to 6 feet long and 2 feet wide giving it an extremely tropical arching feel. Its clustered collection of leaf stalks create a feathery look. The Banana Palm can be grown indoors and out. It does very well in full sun to partial shade and requires a moderate amount of water. Plant the Banana Palm anywhere a graceful tropical look is desired in your landscape.

At Moon Valley Nurseries, we grow our Banana Palms in our local climate from seedlings and cuttings for over 20 years, from only our highest quality specimens - you're sure to get the best quality palms at the best price! Visit one of our huge locations where our nursery pro's will be glad to help you select the perfect palm for your landscaping needs.

Buy as big as you can if you want to add an instant tropical look and feel in your yard. Plant this palm alone as an accent specimen or in groups for a whole farm of bananas. They look especially great near pools, patios, and pergolas due to their enormous, tropical leaves. Feel free to speak with a Moon Valley Nurseries pro about placement ideas and don't forget about our free design consultations!

Plant with Moon Valley Nurseries Super Charged Moon Juice and All Natural Planting Mulch for spectacular results. Let our experienced crew do all the work. You buy it '“ we plant it!™


Julia Terkist

Riviera Beach, FL

"If you've never had a Banana from a tree and not from the store, you're missing out. My Bananas from Moon Valley are the tastiest bananas I've ever had. "


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