Moon Valley Nurseries Jacaranda Blooms
Moon Valley Nurseries Jacaranda Multi trunk
Moon Valley Nurseries Jacaranda
Moon Valley Nurseries Jacaranda


Jacaranda mimosifolia

  • Fernlike style foliage
  • Large, silky flowers
  • Deep colors of lavender blooms
  • Fast growing tree ideal for open spaces
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
10 - 11
Bloom Colors:
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Jacaranda mimosifolia is a beautiful, large, and great-for-climbing shade tree that is grown and nurtured at our Moon Valley Nurseries. We sell younger, fast-growing Jacaranda trees too. Jacaranda mimosifolia trees originate from Brazil and are admired for their beautiful, vibrant purple blooms in mid to late spring. The purple bell-shaped flowers attract hummingbirds and other pollinators, making this Jacaranda tree a wonderful and colorful addition to any landscape.

Jacaranda mimosifolia is drought tolerant once established, has deep roots, and thrives in full sun environments. Though soft in appearance, Jacaranda trees are pretty tough and love growing in the intense summer heat that is common in the Southwestern United States. Available as standard or multi-trunk, this semi-evergreen Jacaranda goes well with a tropical theme landscape design or even a desert landscape design. Since it is a semi-evergreen tree, it can provide excellent shade in the summer and lets in the light during winter. This tree is fairly hardy after it gains some mature, hardwood, so feel free to buy a mature Jacaranda mimosifolia tree from the large inventory available at our Moon Valley Nurseries.

Stop into any of our locations and allow one of our expertly trained nursery professionals to help you with your landscape design and show you the best way to incorporate beautiful trees like these in your yard.


Jessa Claremont

"I had grown up in California seeing these trees everywhere and always wondered what they were. I'd see them turn a whole streetscape purple in the spring. When we moved to AZ and had to landscape our yard, my husband and I wanted to have that same amazing purple in our yard. The guys at Moon Valley Nursery knew exactly what tree I was talking about immediately! They showed us several big, beautiful Jacarandas, and we picked out two mature ones for our front yard, and 3 others for the backyard. They helped us understand the care instructions since Arizona's climate is so much different from California's, and now 2 years in, our trees are growing great and looking incredible. Thank you Moon Valley for giving me that same purple from my childhood!"


"I want about 30 of big Jacaranda trees for the driveway of my property, and some other trees "


"So, I was so pleased when we found this site. The information you that was given was the most I'd seen in awhile. Thx."


"We had Moon Valley plant 4 of these in our backyard this past spring. These trees are beautiful! They bloomed like crazy and give awesome filtered shade in the late afternoon. We purchased and had planted 4 Specimen trees that are about 15 feet tall already. We're hoping they'll eventually grow together to create a bigger shade area. "

Jessica M.

"I absolutely love my jacaranda tree!! Such a great addition to my backyard, and it is so pretty when it's flowering. Highly recommend adding this to your landscape for a pop of color!"


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