Kaleidoscope Abelia flowers close up

Kaleidoscope Abelia

Abelia x grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope'

  • Dense growth habit make it better suited for smaller landscapes
  • Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies
  • Easy to care for
  • Low to moderate water requirements
Full Sun/Partial Shade
Hardiness Zones:
6 - 9
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This Abelia, botanical name Abelia x grandiflora'Kaleidoscope', is highly prized by people because of its year-round, ever-changing colors. We love it too because it is one of the easiest plants for adding beautiful color into a variety of landscapes. A big part of its appeal is the springtime foliage. The foliage is full of cheerful green and yellow colors that turns into a rich gold color in the summer. In the fall and winter, you and your neighbors can enjoy an incredible show of fiery red and crimson colors. This combination of colors, along with its bright red stems, creates the striking kaleidoscope of color and a big reason why many like to call them the perfect shrub!

The Kaleidoscope Abelia is dense and compact, so we like to plant them as a colorful ground cover, for borders, or as a low hedge. They are also one of the longest flowering abelias, so you'll be able to enjoy the delicate perfume-like fragrance of the white blooms from spring through autumn. This shrub will attract birds and butterflies into your garden, too!

Easy to care for, the Kaleidoscope Abelia does best when exposed to the sun. Once established, this moderate grower is waterwise, with low to moderate water requirements. Homeowners can prune to shape for a neat appearance and we recommend feeding with a general purpose fertilizer before new growth begins in the spring. Moon Valley Nurseries has teamed up with the top fertilizer-producing nursery to design ideal fertilizers, supplements, liquids, and pellets ideal for treating Houston's dense soil with the nutrients and vitamins essential for growing a beautiful landscape.

There is no denying the year-round interest of this beauty. Plant Abelia into your landscape and add instant curb appeal!



Riviera Beach, FL

"The foliage is beautiful, the flowers are stunning and Moon Valley was great! "


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