Moon Valley Nurseries' Thrips Treatment Package
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  • Super Charged Moon Juice®
  • Moon Dust®
  • Tree & Shrub Drench
  • Spinosad Soap
  • Hose End Sprayer
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Do Your Plants Have Thrips?

Thrips are most active during your plants growing season and thus terrible for your plant's health. Any damage will be present on the plant's leaves and fruits. They will cause the leaves to curl and littered with dead patches. On your fruits, you can find scarring near the stem.

Luckily, the pros at Moon Valley Nurseries have packaged all the products you need to help treat and prevent a Thrip invasion. This package combines the nutrient from Super Charged Moon Juice® and Moon Dust®, potent systemic insecticide, and effective Spinosad. The Super Charged Moon Juice® and Moon Dust® promote plant growth and strengthen natural defenses. The systemic insecticide targets thrips from within the plants, while Spinosad provides additional contact control. With the ThripShield package, you can protect your plants, enhance their health, and prevent future thrip infestations.


  1. Prevention – Eliminating weeds in your landscaping will help prevent infestations by minimizing habitat for thrips to multiply and spread. You can also effectively prevent thrip infestations through the application of a systemic insecticide at the onset of the growing season.
  2. Fertilizer – Stressed-out plants are more likely to attract insect pests—keep your plants’ defenses up with year-round applications of Super Charged Moon Juice® and seasonal applications of our Moon Dust® fertilizer!
  3. Treatment – Mix and apply systemic drench and spray the foliage with Spinosad using a hose-end sprayer. Then apply fertilizers and moon products to aid in plant health recovery and promote new growth.




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