Dense Green Ficus Benjamina Potted
Dense Green Ficus Benjamina Potted

Ficus Benjamina

Ficus benjamina

  • Loves Direct/Indirect Sunlight
  • Moderate Water
  • Low-maintenance
  • Easy to care for
  • Phenomenal Indoor Air Purifier
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Ficus benjamina is a popular indoor plant with arching branches and glossy, lance-shaped leaves. Native to Southeast Asia and parts of India, this evergreen tree can grow rather tall indoors, reaching heights of 3 to 6 feet, but can be pruned to maintain a desired size. Ficus benjamina thrives in bright, indirect light and is known for being a resilient plant. Ficus Benjamina requires relatively low maintenance, occasional trimming, and proper watering to ensure healthy growth and a beautiful appearance.

Whether you are taking up a new hobby or want to get your family involved with gardening, Moon Valley Nurseries has everything you need to get started!

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