Heavenly Bamboo in the grow yard
Heavenly Bamboo isolated

Harbour Dwarf Heavenly Bamboo

Nandina domestica 'Harbour Dwarf'

  • Upright evergreen shrub
  • New leaves are red turning to green then red in winter
  • White flowers followed by red berries
  • Cold Hardy
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
7 - 10
Schedule Design Consultation

Dwarf Nandina, commonly known as Heavenly Bamboo 'Harbour Dwarf', is a universal shrub that can be used in any way you desire, such as edging for a border, as ground cover, or at entryways to name a few ideas. The Dwarf Nandina grows into a small dome-like shape and can produce white, yellow, and red flowers.

The Dwarf Nandina grows best in partial sun to full shade with a regular watering schedule to flourish in heat, especially in the summer season. It will also benefit from being planted in soil with good drainage. Once the roots are established, it becomes a bit more drought-tolerant than a newly-planted shrub.

This shrub will look great as an accent in shady areas where other plants might struggle to grow. These shrubs spread out up to three feet making for excellent ground cover.

Moon Valley Nurseries has got you covered for all your landscaping and yard beautification needs. We grow and nurture Heavenly Bamboo 'Harbour Dwarf' Nandina so that they are ready to thrive and enhance your landscape. We are the growers so that we can assure the quality of this Nandina domestica is the best you'll find anywhere! Visit any of our nurseries today and take advantage of our free landscape design consultations!


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