Potted Ponytail Palm Indoor
Mature Ponytail Palm

Ponytail Palm

Beaucarnea recurvata

  • Does well in full sun or direct sunlight indoors
  • Low Water
  • Low Maintenance
  • Easy to care for
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
8 - 11
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Drought tolerant, versatile, and resilient - originating from Southeastern Mexico, the Ponytail Palm or Beaucarnea recurvata looks great planted a variety of ways. Plant ponytail palms in clusters or alone for use as houseplants, container plants, shade gardens, courtyards or atriums. Contrary to its name and popular belief, the Ponytail Palm is not a palm at all. The Beaucarnea recurvata is actually a dominant feature plant in the lily family, noted for its arborescence, stiff and upright form, and palm-like features. It features a single-trunk with a rosette of long, strap-like feather plume leaves that arch and drop, giving the plant its relaxing, tropical look. Ponytail palms are often sold as potted plants due to the interesting appearance of its swollen base, which is used to store water during times of drought.

Great indoor or outdoor options, Ponytail Palms are smaller palms that grow in full sun or full shade and can thrive in both coastal and desert landscapes. Part of its unique look and the inspiration for its name comes from the look of the plant apex. Tough, finely serrated leaves are aggregated toward the plant apex, giving Beaucarnea recurvata its pony-tail-like feature. Mature specimens in Southern California can produce creamy white, large, showy upright flower clusters that extend above the leaves during June and July. Moon Valley Nurseries grows and nurtures a variety of Ponytail Palms, including mature plants.

Ponytail Palm maintenance and pruning is a breeze. The only pruning you will need to do is an occasional removal of dead leaves to keep the plant looking nice and clean. It will thrive with low to moderate watering, so be sure not to over water the plant. Speak with one of our Moon Valley Nurseries professionals for the best tips on Ponytail Palm care, we are happy to lend our expert advice! Beaucarnea recurvata plants are considered evergreen perennials, so you will be able to enjoy the look of this unique plant for years to come.

Let us do all the work - from professional design to delivery and installation! You buy it - we deliver and plant it!



Riviera Beach, FL

"This goofy looking palm is exactly what i wanted. My neighbors have been asking all week what it was. Absolutely the most unique palm on the block. Thanks!"


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