Acacia Saligna in nursery
Acacia Saligna in yard blooming
Acacia Saligna in nursery
Acacia Saligna in nursery with person

Acacia Saligna

Acacia saligna

  • Fast-growing, upright yet broad canopy
  • Beautiful gold blooms - loves desert heat
  • Medium size tree adaptable to many applications
  • Large, silvery blue, knife shaped leaves
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
7 - 10
Bloom Colors:
Schedule Design Consultation

Acacia Saligna is also known by other familiar names such as Orange Wattle, and this Australian native can flourish in the hot and arid regions of its native land so that it also naturally thrives out here in the Southwest. These are medium sized trees that can adapt to many landscape applications. They feature a beautiful golden flower display in spring creating a picturesque scene as it complements its large, silvery blue leaves. It can grow an upright, yet broad umbrella-like canopy so that it can provide an attractive shade area in your yard!

The Acacia saligna growth rate is extremely fast, and we like to use them as a screening plant and as a shade tree in any landscape. Orange wattle thrives in a spot that gets plenty of full sun exposure, and it loves the heat! Homeowners and landscapers alike love that these trees keep their leaves throughout the year and rave about their low maintenance features, they require minimal pruning! Once established, they have little to moderate water requirements.

If you are looking to add an attractive shade tree with showy seasonal color, look no further than an Acacia Saligna tree! We have been custom growing these evergreen trees in our local climate so that they are ready to thrive in your landscape. These are excellent drought tolerant trees ideally suited for yards from San Diego to Las Vegas and Arizona!

Visit your nearest Moon Valley Nurseries location and take advantage of our free landscape design consultation. Handpick the perfect Acacia Saligna tree for the perfect spot in your yard and allow our professional planting crew to do all the work!


Erica A

Riviera Beach, FL

"I wanted to get some decent low water trees for my desert style landing. I went back and forth between different types of trees and didn't want the standard ones you see in all backyards. We went into Moon Valley Nurseries this past weekend and picked out 12 different trees and this was one of our highest rated on our list (and approved by the dumb HOA). Long story short, this tree was perfect. Thanks, Moon Valley Nurseries!"


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