Angels Trumpet in nursery

Angel's Trumpet


  • Grows well in pots and containers
  • Fragrant blooms in Summer
  • Easy to grow
  • Beautiful accent for gardens rock settings beds and pots
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
8 - 12
Bloom Colors:
Schedule Design Consultation

When in bloom, Angel's Trumpet flowers are guaranteed to steal the show! There is nothing quite like the sight of the Brugmansia flower, especially when the long trumpet-shaped flowers take over with shades of white, peach, pink, orange or yellow. The flowers are highly fragrant and can fill the landscape with a pleasing scent that can evoke calmness. These flowering ornamental plants are South American natives, where many indigenous cultures have traditionally used them in religious or spiritual ceremonies. Here in Houston, we like to use them as a stunning focal point on any patio or as an impressive backdrop to a border! This Brugmansia plant is one you are going to want to show off!

Angel's Trumpet love to eat, so be sure to fertilize for the best flower and plant development. Moon Valley Nurseries has the ideal fertilizers available for treating our dense soil at our nurseries throughout Houston, so make sure to pick some up while you are here! Brugmansia can grow in full sun or shade, and once established, have low to moderate water requirements. These plants have a fast growth rate and can grow in a decorative pot, though we think they grow best in the ground. Feel free to speak with any of our nursery pros today for additional guidance on where and how to plant these tropical-looking beauties!

Moon Valley Nurseries has Angel Trumpet Brugmansia for sale and available in a variety of sizes. For instant beauty and gratification, buy as big as you can! Fabulous flowers, easy to grow, wonderful fragrance - this is a must-have for the yard all year-long!


Dan D

Riviera Beach, FL

"These plants have the coolest flowers ever! We planted one in a large pot in our entry way and we absolutely love it. We get more compliments on that plant than nearly anything else in our yard. Moon Valley's plants are always top quality!!"


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