Meyer Lemon Tree Row
Meyer Lemons On Tree
Meyer Lemon Row

Meyer Lemon

Citrus × meyeri

  • Great for any landscape or containers/pots 
  • Durable with heat and cold
  • Fragrant white blooms
  • Exceptional tasting fruit
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
8 - 11
Bloom Colors:
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The Meyer Lemon, also known as an Improved Meyer Lemon has become a favorite from Southern California to the Southwest Deserts. These sweet and tart lemons have more of an orange-colored flesh than the other types of lemon trees you will come across.

The Meyer lemon is great for any landscape and can be grown in a container/pot. Its smaller stature compared to most citrus trees makes it an ideal choice for those wanting a patio tree or planting in tight quarters without sacrificing great-tasting fruit. Do not let this tree's size fool you, Meyer Lemon trees are very durable in the heat and cold.

This tree requires minimal maintenance, which means more time to enjoy the unmatched fragrance of its blooms, a bountiful harvest, and exceptional-tasting lemons.

Stop into any of our locations and allow one of our expertly trained nursery professionals to help you with your landscape design and show you how to incorporate these beautiful trees into your yard. At Moon Valley Nursery, we offer free design consultations to truly maximize your landscape while adding exceptional curb appeal.


Katrina Smiles

Riviera Beach, FL

"I love lemons, but these have a sweeter flavor that is PERFECT for lemonade. My tree from Moon Valley Nurseries makes a lot of lemons and I have so many to use for cooking and baking and still have plenty left over to give to friends! Moon Valley was great help with planting and learning how to water and fertilize my tree!"


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