Palo Brea in yard blooming
Palo Brea in nursery

Palo Brea

Cercidium praecox

  • Beautiful branch structure and smooth apple-green bark
  • Bright yellow blooms appear in mid-spring
  • Grows well in all soils and prefers good drainage
  • Low maintenance and loves full sun
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
9 - 11
Bloom Colors:
Schedule Design Consultation

The Palo Brea tree, Cercidium praecox, features graceful interwoven branches and a rich sculptural quality that brings beauty and elegance to any Southwestern landscape. From northern Mexico and the Sonoran Desert, this beautiful medium-sized specimen looks incredible when planted in open desert landscape gardens as well as xeriscape landscape designs. A Palo Brea tree is a very showy tree. It's prized for its bright yellow blooms that appear in mid-spring, creating a nice contrast with its green leaf colors and interesting form. Its smooth light-green bark adds to its appeal and beauty, making it a favorite choice to adorn many landscape designs.

The impressive, semi-evergreen Palo Brea tree can produce an umbrella top with age, creating an excellent habitat for native birds. It produces a dramatic silhouette on walls and hardscapes, especially when lit-up with nighttime landscape lighting. Once established, the Palo Brea tree will need low to moderate water, so it's an excellent water-wise, drought-tolerant plant for the Southwest. Since it requires low water, it's a tree that is ideally suited for arid landscapes, so best to keep it off the lawn.

The Cercidium praecox tree grows at a moderate to fast rate. It's a cold-hardy tree that loves full sun exposure, too. Buy as big as you can to have this beautiful and interesting looking specimen tree enhancing your landscape. At Moon Valley Nurseries, we grow and nurture the finest quality Palo Brea trees anywhere! Our inventory includes Cercidium praecox trees available in a variety of sizes. Feel free to speak with our nursery pro for placement ideas or take advantage of our free design consultation!

Plant with the Moon Valley Nurseries line of fertilizers for spectacular results! Let us do the digging! We offer free professional planting on all box sized trees as well as the best warranty in the industry!


Barry Clines

Riviera Beach, FL

"My wife wanted a tree that flowered yellow, so we went to moon valley nurseries looking for a palo verde. We both ended up liking the more blueish color of these Palo Brea trees and decided to plant 2 of them in our front yard. We chose 2 mature trees out of a very impressive collection that Moon Valley had, and they planted them without any issues. Very quick and professional service and great choice of trees. "


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