Ponderosa Lemon Trees
Ponderosa Lemons on Tree
Ponderosa Lemon

Ponderosa Lemon

Citrus limon x medica

  • A great landscape tree!
  • Allow to grow free form
  • too much pruning effects bloom cycles
  • Loves the heat
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
9 - 11
Bloom Colors:
Schedule Design Consultation

The Ponderosa Lemon is not an actual lemon tree. It is a citrus hybrid of a lemon and a citron! Ponderosa botanical name is Citrus limon x medica, and this ornamental novelty bears large lemons with thick, coarse skin and a mild lemony flavor that makes them ideal for eating raw, cooking with them, making desserts, and juicing. These trees bear at an early age and do it frequently. Also, while it may bear fruit through the year, the main crop is in winter. Grow your citrus fruit, and you will feel good about feeding naturally pesticide-free food to your family!

Moon Valley Nurseries has been growing our own Ponderosa Lemon trees for decades, so we can assure that our lemon is the juiciest and best-tasting you will find anywhere! We have developed a custom root stock, so we can guarantee that they will produce excellent tasting citrus and a bountiful harvest!

These are also attractive trees for the landscape, so we like to plant them in rows for use as a privacy screen! If you enjoy the lemony scent, we recommend planting them near windows, where their pleasant aroma can fill the air! Adding to their visual appeal is the fact that the Ponderosa Lemon can flower and bear fruit at the same time!

If you are looking for a tasty alternative to Lisbon or Eureka lemons, the Ponderosa lemon is a worthy substitute. You will love the sight of this attractive tree covered in toy football-sized lemons! The ripe fruit will hold on the tree for several months, so you have plenty of time to enjoy the juicy goodness!


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