Beautiful Blooming Vitex Tree
Moon Valley Nurseries Vitex
Vitex multi
Vitex bloom
Vitex Landscape


Vitex agnus-castus

  • Grown usually as a multiple-trunk tree
  • Wonderful Fragrance
  • Beautiful Flowers That Attract Pollinators
  • Drought-tolerant and Cold-hardy
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
6 - 9
Bloom Colors:
Schedule Design Consultation

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Vitex, botanical name Vitex agnus-castus, also known as the Chaste Tree, offers a gorgeous display of handsome gray-green foliage and terminal clusters of fragrant lilac blooms. Native from the Mediterranean region to central Asia, this fast-growing small, medium-sized tree will enhance any landscape with beauty and is sure to attract hummingbirds and swarms of butterflies. This is an excellent choice for a beautiful garden or for use as a patio tree.

Easy to care for and water-wise, Vitex needs full sun and low to moderate water use once established. This beautiful deciduous tree is typically grown as a multi-trunk tree, with turning, twisting trunks giving it a unique statuesque appearance under the bright flowering canopy.

Vitex trees thrive in the heat and can be used in a wide range of landscapes. Plant a Chaste tree in an urban garden and bring natural beauty to any urban setting.

Fun fact: Vitex agnus-castus was utilized during ancient times as a medicinal remedy.

Plant with Moon Valley Nurseries' line of fertilizers for spectacular results! We offer free professional planting on all box-sized trees and provide the best warranty in the industry! You buy it, we can deliver and plant it!


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