Wax Myrtle Row
Wax Myrtle Foliage

Wax Myrtle

Myrica cerifera

  • Good for hedges, screens, foundation planting
  • Full to partial sun
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
7 - 11
Schedule Design Consultation

Wax Myrtle is a small to medium-sized evergreen tree featuring glossy, olive-green, aromatic foliage and an attractive smooth light-gray bark that will add curb appeal to any landscape in Houston. From North America, we love to plant Myrica cerifera as an attractive privacy hedge, where it is used an incredible screen that can block out unwanted views in style! We also like to plant them as patio trees and they can produce a good amount of shade too, so they are a welcome addition to any outdoor space throughout Texas. You cannot go wrong whether using this tree as a partition, screen or specimen!

Wax Myrtles are easy to grow and hardy trees that grow in full sun or partial shade exposures. They can take abuse, so they can practically take care of themselves, which is good news for any one that doesn't have a green thumb! They have a moderate growth rate and once established, will have low to moderate watering needs. They are very adaptable and will put up with most soil conditions, so they are a good choice for our area. We recommend fertilizing, and Moon Valley Nurseries has teamed up with the top fertilizer-producing nursery to design ideal fertilizers, supplements, liquids, and pellets ideal for treating Houston's dense soil with the nutrients and vitamins essential for growing a beautiful landscape.

Moon Valley Nurseries have these ornamental beauties available in a variety of sizes all custom-grown and nurtured by our top nursery professionals for years so that we can assure their superior quality. Also, with our professional planting and delivery service, we can get any size order planted into your landscape!


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