Shamel Ash
Shamel Ash
Shamel Ash
Shamel Ash
Shamel Ash

Shamel Ash

Fraxinus udhei

  • Park style, larger shade tree
  • Thick trunks, full canopies & loves full sun
  • Fastest growing of Ash varieties
  • Soft, classic appearance & big shade area
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
9 - 11
Schedule Design Consultation

The Shamel Ash, also known as the 'Evergreen Ash', is a favorite waterwise, fast-growing shade tree perfect for just about any landscape in Southern California and low-elevation deserts. A native to Mexico, this sun-loving, fast-growing tree can grow up to 40-feet tall and wide in just 20 years. Expect a large canopy that provides a generous amount of shade. At Moon Valley Nurseries, we grow a special Evergreen Ash strain that is stronger, more reliable and more evergreen than other strains available. Simple to grow, Shamel Ash or Evergreen Ash is generally grown in parks, commercial areas, and can be seen adorning large landscapes.

The classic, larger-leaved, green foliage is attractive and complements just about any landscape in Southern California. It is easy to see why the Evergreen Ash is such a popular tree grown in parks and backyards - its striking beauty and large, natural shade cover makes it an ideal picnic tree. Homeowners can care for this tree easily. It is an extremely drought tolerant tree and will need very little water once it has been established.

At home in Southern California front yards and backyards, this massive shade provider features a soft, classic appearance that is sure to add value to any property. Growing up with an Evergreen Ash tree is common in Southern California. It is the type of classic tree where you might find people engraving initials into the thick trunk as the years go by. Try planting this Evergreen Ash as a single accent to shade a hot side of the house or as a street tree basking in the sun.

No matter where you plant this attractive waterwise tree, you can expect years and years of comfortable shade and beauty. Moon Valley Nurseries grows and nurtures superior Evergreen Ash strains that are ready to be delivered and planted into your landscape by our experienced crew.


Bryce Bowen

Riviera Beach, FL

"I bought a house in 2018 with a dirt lot for a back yard. I ended up planting a lot of sod, so I wanted a pretty low maintence tree. Micha at their 7th Street location heard me and suggest this tree. He followed it up with showing me his yard and landscape and mentined that he had the same. I tursed his experiecne and bought a massive Shamel Ash. I planted that a year ago and we love it. It has grown a lot and has been exactly what we wanted. "


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