Due to the unique way that palm trees grow, they have special nutrient requirements. In addition to regular applications of all-purpose fertilizers, such as our Moon Dust®, palms use a variety of different major and micronutrients, including Potash, Manganese, Iron, Sulfur, Zinc, Copper & Boron. Moon Valley Nurseries has developed our Super Palm Juice® palm fertilizer as the perfect formula for these important nutrients. We have packaged it in a super easy-to-use liquid format and included Furst Liquid technology to maximize effectiveness. When used as directed, Super Palm Juice will help produce thicker, stronger palm trunks while maintaining the fronds with a healthy, dark green appearance resulting in lush, dense crowns!
Yellow, weak, or disfigured fronds are symptoms that your palm is deficient in one or more of the nutrients that Super Palm Juice provides. Used regularly, Super Palm Juice will help correct these symptoms and optimize the health and appearance of your palms.
Don’t wait until your palms display these symptoms! Keep them in optimum health with timely applications of Super Palm Juice. Healthy palms are able to thrive in the intense summer heat and are also much cold-hardier than weak, malnourished palms!
This is THE perfect blend for Queen Palms!
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