Sycamore Trees


Platanus wrightii

  • Great shade tree, and when used in large spaces, as a lawn tree, or in mesic landscape designs
  • Upright, rugged deciduous shade tree that is stiff and informal
  • Woody deciduous perennial, moderately upright, open and irregular to 50 feet tall
  • Park style, larger shade tree
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
4 - 9
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Sycamore or Arizona Sycamore, botanical name Platanus wrightii, is a Southwestern native that can grow to be a large and majestic deciduous tree with a spreading canopy that can cast cooling shade during those hot and bright summer days, and let the warmth of the sun in when it loses its leaves in the winter! They have beautiful light green leaves, and when it drops its leaves, it reveals a gorgeous white bark that peels back to reveal a mottled patchwork that adds winter interest! We like to plant them as a lawn tree, shade tree and plant them in any spot where it can grow and be enjoyed by the entire family!

Sycamore trees are rugged and thrive in a spot that gets plenty of full sun exposure. Once established, they have low to moderate watering needs, and the roots of these trees are good soil binders so that they can prevent excessive erosion.

The Arizona Sycamore is a favorite tree throughout the Southwest for both homeowners and landscapers alike because of its impressive size, canopies of shade, and subtle beauty. Moon Valley Nurseries has been growing Platanus wrightii Sycamore trees in our local climate for over 20 years so that we can assure their quality is the best you'll find anywhere!

Moon Valley Nurseries has got you covered whether you are replacing damaged trees, remodeling your yard, or looking to replace the trees the builders chose when you purchased a new home! Visit any of our nurseries today and take advantage of our professional landscape design consultations!


Katy B

Riviera Beach, FL

"We planted 20 of these on our horse property this summer to give them some much needed shade. They absolutley love them! Tons of shade and keeps them cool in our hot climate. These are easy to grow, they love the irrigation but ones we have on drip systems are also doing amazing so they seem very hardy. "


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