Fruiting Mexican Lime
Dense Mexican Lime
Mexican Lime Trees

Mexican Lime

Citrus aurantifolia

  • Beautiful Fragrant Blooms
  • Delicious Tasting Fruit
  • Loves the heat
  • Great in Any Landscape
Full Sun
Hardiness Zones:
9 - 11
Bloom Colors:
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Growing from Coastal Southern California into the Southwestern Desert the Mexican Lime is highly sought after for its perfect fruit. Drinks, deserts, seasoning, garnish, green-friendly cleaners, and more are just a few reasons the Mexican Lime is so popular. This lime while its tiny stature is robust in perfect lime flavor and extremely juicy. This Lime has many other monikers it goes by including, Key Lime, Bartender's Lime, and West-Indian Lime, these are all the same Citrus aurantifolia 'Mexican'.

The Lime flowers begin to open in late winter and early spring filling the air with that beautiful citrus smell. After the blooming cycle, little green pea-sized fruit will begin to grow. The Mexican Lime can be harvested from a light green color till it turns yellow on the tree, giving these a long hang time meaning you can get more use out of your produce. The fact that these trees can be somewhat ever-bearing means you're never far from fresh limes straight from the source.

Moon Valley Nurseries have been growing citrus for decades and have developed custom rootstock guaranteed to produce excellent-tasting fruit and plentiful harvest. Rootstock for citrus trees is extremely important as they can be grafted with nearly anything and many growers will use inferior rootstocks so the trees will grow faster. Moon Valley Nurseries takes no shortcuts! We only grow trees from our most premium specimens so you are always guaranteed to get the best tasting fruit.



"Thank you. It was cery helpful i was about to clip off the little limes because i didn't think they should be there year around. I just planted it a few weeks ago"

Brian C

"Had this lime planted with a couple other citrus trees from Moon Valley Nurseries. This thing grows more limes then we know what to do with, but we've managed pretty well with some margaritas and cold brews. The wifes made some great tasting deserts using these as well as using them for cooking different things. These are some nice trees, even providing some nice shade on our window in the backyard. "


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